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SDCC 2015!!!

Just had a chance to go this past Thursday to the SDCC and I had to say it blew my freaking brains out! Thank you so much for the thank-you-gifts from Master Kim Jung Gi, 3A, Sir Mike Mitchell and friends !!! 

SDCC 2015 Portrait Gifts

I'm painting a couple of portrait for a couple of artists. Guess who they might be?! :D

Fun with markers

Here are some more comissions and marker pieces. Hope you like! ;)


Greetings guys! Working on a couple of oil paintings and couple digital projects atm. Can't show you much right now but here is a photo of my man-cave as it is right now :D 

Progress Shots!

I've been very active at my Instagram account these couple months. Ever since I did the Inktober challenge I realized the potential Instagram had as a social media. 


So yes! It is actually happening. After a year of trying to upgrade this site it is finally coming down to completion. In the meanwhile I have some more marker sketches I would like to share with you guys! 

Also! As of now I have some of my decks at the Gracias Por Nada skateboard show down in LA. Gotta give props to the guys at 11:11 A Creative Collective for putting down such a great show! 

Mr. Rayman 

Well finally took some time to finish this one! Hope you like it!


Gotta thanks the people at Project Oh! and Robert Bejil Photography for making this interview. I apologyze if I can't really talk in front of a camera ;) 

The Ritual

New oil painting in process: 

Quelque Part Dans Le Temps

Finnished the oil version of this painted. Kind of happy how it turned out.